
A Night to Remember!

The Athletics competition started today and it was clearly the most excited these local Aussies have been thus far! Cathy Freeman ran a preliminary heat in the 400m and the local crowd wasn't disappointed with her performance.

This was the busiest day so far here in Sydney. Almost four-hundred thousand people were entertained at the different Olympic venues. The trains and other public transit strained to the point of almost breaking. After the Athletics, Frank and I watched for over a half hour as the line for the subway didn't get any shorter. After we had eaten and got bored of waiting, he figured a shortcut and we made our way on the train. We were home before most of the people even got out of Sydney Olympic Park.

I succumbed and took a photo with my hand under the torch

September 22, 2000
Frank is now one of the biggest movers and shakers in Sydney. Invitations to parties, whatever assistance from hotel staff he needs, Frank is the man.

Today's News:

All over Sydney, people are having a good time.

I attended two events today: Diving and Athletics.
The rumor mill is running strong!
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