MacOS X Leopard is released!

Halloween time is approaching, so Sara had to pick out her costume. She'll be a baby chick this year. Also, Apple released their newest operating system, code named, "Leopard". To celebrate, Sara dressed in her finest Leopardess outfit for the celebration party at TekServe.

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"Mommy was so nice to get me dressed up!" "Cheep, cheep cheep! I like being a chick!" "Boy, it's getting kinda warm in here!" "It may be warm, but it is really comfy!" "Thank you, mommy!!!!" "Roaar!!" "Being a leopardess is fun, but I think I'll stick to playing on my carpet!" "Being a leopardess is fun, but I think I'll stick to playing on my carpet!" "I'm on the prowl!" Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Daddy and Sara heading out to the store to celebrate! Sara blew everyone at TekServer away! And of course, she's the cutest little Leopardess anyone has ever seen! She finally got used to the ears! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night! Mommy and Sara also enjoyed the night!

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